With all the fingers pointed at you once you make a decision. You are always the bad guy to most people. You are always the greedy one to most people. Even when you have sensitive decisions to make.Nobody cares about the sleepless nights, nobody sees that you have a family, nobody sees that you need "me time" . Most people expect you to perform like a super human. To them you should never ever make mistakes.With all this, I'd die of stress the next day after being sworn in😂. And that makes me 'unwish' to be president😅. But... 

If I was the president, I would want my people to know the following;

I maybe the president but that doesn't mean I have extra hours in my day. Just like most of you, I have a family that needs quality time with me in the same twenty four hours, 12 months and 365 days in a year. I may sacrifice most of my time but when rumors reach you that I am on a holiday with my family , please understand that I can't work without rest.Being the president, I probably have a better salary,so incase I choose to spend a few days in Dubai 😂, remember I don't necessarily have to have robbed the money from the government😅. 

And hey! My people! I try my best to have representatives from each corner of the country, but I may not still have the slightest idea of what is going on the ground. I am not God, I don't see everything.However, I try allocating resources that can help out. On this note, I encourage private organizations to chip in because my government cannot afford to take care of everything. 

My people! Please understand that we are a third world country, we struggle for resources, money being one of them.If I ever ask for aid even when other countries don't, that doesn't mean that I am greedy. 

We all make mistakes. I try to be better each day, I try to fight my fears, my desires, I struggle the same way you do. Instead of judging me and pointing fingers on me when I am wrong, pray for me. Because whatever another human being can do, no matter how evil it is, we can all do that 😭. So include me in your prayers, ask God to guide me, to perfect my character as I serve this country. 

Understand that leadership requires toughness, it requires choosing between the 'unchoosable'😅. And that's a struggle there. A struggle to choose between the health of the people, their lives and saving the economy. A struggle to choose the right decision or fear the blame game. 

And my people, I am only human 🥀. Treat me like one. 


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