Never tone down the real you to fit in with what society thinks. There is a reason why you are YOU. There is a good reason you were born in that family, at that time, in that village or town. There is a reason why you have that name, no matter how awkward it sounds, there is a reason for that.

So when you tone down the real YOU because of where you were born, background, name, family, know that you are going to instill that culture of fakeness in the upcoming generation.
 Hence say NO to toning down the REAL YOU. Inspire those around. And stand out despite your short height, your fat or slim body size, name, or background. I appreciate the real you. Be happy and proud of you, so that time will come when everyone will love being themselves and nobody will struggle to fit in.

It's okay to be different. It's okay to love boiled cassava whilst others love pizza. It's fine. It's fine to appear in a flat head while others appear in a ponytail. It's alright because that's the real You. Be happy with YOU, spend time with YOU so that you can know YOU better. You will never regret.

It is in you that God planted a unique seed of greatness, so let it grow, water it with acceptance, love, and the right knowledge. It will grow into something admirable because there is magic in being the real YOU. Who in this Coast doesn't know that sallumy beauty products came up as a result of the owner accepting her curly hair?

Stay true to yourself, release that fierce spirit in you, and the world will adjust.


  1. Amazing piece, so motivating Ma Shaa Allah

    1. Its more amazing because out of your busy schedule you created time to read my article.

  2. Amazing piece, so motivating Ma Shaa Allah

    1. Thank you wallah,I appreciate you for taking time to read my article.

  3. Nice piece it is good to be real you.
    If most ladies define love in line of materials but yourself define it with your feelings and understanding.
    If your friends in campus are changing their wardrobe weekly don't curse your background just be real and all shall be well one day.
    Never compare yourself in all aspects, just do what you are capable of doing .

  4. Incredibly amaizing sister
    Masha Allah
    I am ME
    And am proud of it
    Keep the fire burning..
    Great work

    1. Lets keep flying together.
      wallah there is magic in big US.

  5. Wow my friend Mwanamisi Kasirani I wish you all the best in all you do. Lots of love from Daisy😘😘😘😘

    1. I love you too malkia.
      Thanks for reading my article.

  6. We are who we are bcoz no one can b us..we ar beter versions of ourselves
    Am proud of all those who think they are best fr themselves#Amirul
    Mwanaa point taken 100%

  7. Yeah we should be proud of us,thanks for your support.

  8. Masha Allah being You is the best thing that is happening,ever happened and will ever happen to You.

  9. Masha Allah being You is the best thing that is happening,ever happened and will ever happen to You.

  10. A great piece my dear. We should be real because everything in life only God knows the reason behind it.

  11. I am glad to have been part of those you sent this amazing life giving piece to, a simple yet profound reminder that we are whole in ourselves and need no validation for staying true to who we really are. I love that you take up real issues that people face and use them to build others. Looking forward to more of your writing.

  12. That's good work dear may Allah make u prosper each and every day and enable you to write more and more articles as you wish. All the best dear 😍😍


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