It's Hidden.

"Can you really offer the world anything?"
"Will you leave a legacy?"
"Your friends already did!"

These are thoughts that tortured my subconscious whenever I saw my colleagues offering something unique to humanity.
Perhaps you have experienced this too. This is good, it shows that you are not comfortable with where you are. It implies that you are craving for change. What you need to do is relax when such thoughts pop up in. Tell yourself, "I am learning and I will find my passion by the Grace of the Almighty."
Time will come when you will want to be like so many people just because you heard their success stories.
That didn't leave me out.MedSheba's YouTube channel set my pulse racing, at a point I wanted to be a YouTuber.On seeing sallumy hair products blooming I thought I should come up with beauty products too.

I was desperately finding my passion. I never realized that I was a writer until I perused my old journal book and was amazed by the number of poems and lavish stories I had composed. Alhamdulillah.

Finding passion isn't rocket science neither is it a walk in the park. Thus I would like to share with you a few guideposts that can help you find your passion.

1.The Almighty.
Passion is something that gives us happiness, it differs in each person and it's hidden. Seeking the Almighty for help is what you need to do since He is the one who planted that unique seed in you, ask Him to assist you to discover it.

Throw yourself into your past before all this turmoil struck. What is that stuff you worked on wholeheartedly? Why did you choose to join that club in school Over the rest? What does your journal say about you?

3. Be Honest with Yourself.
You could be knowing what you are passionate about, but you just don't want to accept it. Perhaps you think it's not trending. Well, you are the one to make it trend,  you are the only one gifted with it.

4. Put Yourself to work.
"Until you put yourself to work, you will not discover who you are"Ust.Nouman Alikhan. Don't
be afraid to start things. Whatever you jump into dive deep. You will discover it by the will of the Almighty.

Seek advice with purpose, consider opinions, make decisions, take action, and trust in the Almighty.
Lastly, after finding your passion, you will be excited but the excitement will entice if you use that gift to spread goodness to humanity.


  1. This is just awesome.. Keep up with the good work... It's just so inspirational.... And yeah we have that duty to change the world and leave a legacy

    1. Yeah.Each one of us is able to impact the society.😍 Thank you.

  2. Hello girl you are doing a great job keep it and all the best Kasirani. Daisy::

    1. Thank you for letting your eyeballs read my article.😘

  3. MashaAllah Siz...dats great work; sooo inspiring. Thank you for the guide on how to find ones passion,am sure it's of great help,more so to me. Congrats!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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