The title, I promise, it's not what you think!

Remember those days when you wake up in the last part of the night shivering like  leaves in the winter and you have this severe headache, you are just not okay physically . You get up to light up the gas to prepare  tea and heat up some water to cool down the headache or whatever it is . You experience fainting drizzles, you might fall any time, your head feels so heavy. You take some peels (luckily you have some painkillers) as you try to turn side by side hoping the pain stops. You take your pillow and duvet on the mat maybe changing sleeping environment will help.

While in this state, you think your day will probably be spent on bed, wasted. You don't want to accept the fact that your body needs rest, you grab your multicolored sticky notes to scribble the to do list.

The first task should start at 9:45a.m and that should be cleaning up and getting dressed. The second task should be to prepare breakfast then just as you finish dressing, the fainting drizzles come again, now you know that once you get up some drama will happen.This suggests that your body needs rest.

You try to lay down in bed until you get some balance. You then reach out to your phone and try to get productive while in bed. You check your Light Reader to continue reading from where you stopped.You do fifty pages, just like that and you take really good notes.

You now have the energy to go eat.Later on you make trips to YouTube to get productive content, study videos. Luckily the meetings you had scheduled get canceled and now you have the whole day to yourself.

Since writing sounds therapeutic you get your notepad app, write some stuff that has been stressing you out.You wanted to talk to someone about it, but writing  feels like the heavy burden has been lifted already , and now you are just fine. You take a nap for a while, get something for the stomach and now you find yourself using the notepad writing about your productive day in bed. Even though you didn't do what was on your to do list, you did some productive stuff. So you keep stretching your hand to get dates next to your bed just to stay energized.You go to WhatsApp, check out memes to laugh your heart outπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… and at the midst of this, you still get to socialize. 

Despite the fact you were weak, you had a satisfying day, you re-energized and you think to yourself, "I really needed that". And now it's time to reflect on your whole life.

That's a day in my life even though I spent it entirely  away from my study table, I did maximize most of my day the best way I could.There's something I read today that says, "time is never wasted if spent intentionally" πŸ˜…. 


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