
Dear Faith, I miss you so much. My soul yearns for your warmth. Why do you leave every time? You know that your departure renders my heart heavy. My body becomes frail. I lose the strength to fight this tempting world. My good spirit weakens, it breaks. I lose direction to my intended vision. I become as empty as an abandoned house. My heart becomes dull like a graveyard. The soul, the soul neither feels pain nor joy, it loses the taste of life.

Dear Faith, what makes you leave? Is it the dirty movie I watched last? Is it because I lied to Ummi? Perhaps quarreling with Nazleen? Is it because I missed the morning prayer? Or because I wasted my time on social media? Is it because I gossiped? Why do you always leave my weak heart? Please answer me.

When I feed the needy, I feel your presence. When I help out at home or at the masjid I feel you in my veins. When I pray on time my heart becomes light because I have you. Faith, I strive to guard you just like the way I protect my lit candle from being put off by the wind. I treasure your presence.

Dear Faith, your presence fills my heart with epitome contentment. My soul becomes light and my heart dances with joy. Your presence, oh your presence supercharges my good spirit. Dear, your similitude to my heart is like that of drops of water on a dry throat. You gladden my spirit. Dear Faith, please don't leave.

I know that I stumble so many times but please don't abandon me. If you leave at dusk please return to me before dawn. I am fragile without you.

If you must go please leave a note behind so that I may know why you left.

Faith. I wish you could stay forever 😭.


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