The dark nights 😭

In those nights that you feel less motivated remember your Maker. Talk to Him ;tell Him that your heart aches, tell Him you feel you are a looser because people out there seem to be far much ahead of you ,tell Him that you want to quit. Do thank Him for how far He  has brought you, how He healed your wounds after every betrayal. Appreciate  Him for how He got you out of that terrible sickness  and the lessons He has taught you all along. Cry until you sleep off.

When the sun rises get up and say hi. Push yourself to  that task  you started , Shout out loud, 
"I am strong than what I feel ! "

Remember not to compare yourself with anyone, you have a unique destiny and everything will happen to you at the right time .

Be happy for those who have achieved greatness, and encourage those who are striving to greatness .Be your best.

As you take a means of transport to your place of work or school throw yourself into the future you desire to have. See yourself in your grand company, in that graduation gawn, see the happiness in your parents. See the pride they feel for you. See those passionate people whom you have given an opportunity to realize their dreams . See how much your profit has helped the less fortunate in the society. Just Know if you quit what you are seeing will still be in dreams . So don't quit yet.

Look for inspiration, talk to that 'mama mboga' ask her about her business. Ask her why she hasn't quit her hustle. You see, it is through that business that she has raised doctors, engeneers and teachers.It wasn't easy for her it has never been easy for her but she has to do it, for her, for her family and for all those she needs to support.

Have you ever stopped to have a chat with that rider? Do you know that he got into an accident while working? Have you seen how his leg deformed,have you noticed that he limps, that some of the injuries he got are unhealed?What is he still doing on that motorcycle that took away his leg? He has  to fight for his little girl's  dream.

Don't quit yet,everyone has bad days the only difference is how we handle those days. Those are the days you should be learning, those are the days you should go back to your journal and reflect on how much you have done to reach your goals. Till then, when those days pass by, stay strong for You and keep up the hustle and your dreams will come true i.a. 


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