The Baking Process💔❤️

The path to greatness is stormy. Betrayals will batter you up, rejections and heart breaks will pop up each time .  Will you fight for your passion or  quit like many have?Are you ready to stay strong when blasted by strong winds ?

Because days are coming when your heart will ache,  moan and weap but your face will try to beam pleasantly . Days are coming when you will fight for your dearest ones and all you will reep are insults thrown on your face. There are days you will walk alone in the rain and burst into tears just to release the pain in your heart. There are days you will brood over issues out of hand until your brain stops .

Before those days unfold take God as your closest friend. Tell Him about your elephant dreams- the ones people blab out that you can never achieve. When your path gets foggy He will walk you through without bush bashing . He will wipe your hot tears, heal your heart and grant you the massive support you need to travel to the end.

Appreciate everyone's goodness before blabbing about their flaws. Expect nothing from anyone but expect  total goodness from God . We humans camouflage, we could be supportive today and gossip about you the next day. Put your total reliance in God. Be the best version of you.

Teach yourself the art of killing your frienemies with your kindness and goodness . It will be strenuous but you have to push yourself . You will have to defeat your emotions and act right.

Trust in God, believe that whatever comes on your way is meant to benefit you and nourish you. No matter how the wind blows you away from your dreams  get up, supercharge yourself and keep going. That's the style of Legends.

Steer the gear and drive through that fog because behind it lies your success.


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