Kabarak University M. S. A Visit Railway Orphanage on Eid

After weeks of hardship,turmoil and sleepless nights Kabarak University MSA managed to fulfill their dream Eid Project. The sky poured rain showers a sign of acceptance and support for their project . Members of the Kabarak University MSA headed to Railway Orphanage.

Railway Orphanage is composed of male kids with the age of 8-13 years. The kids are ten in number . The rest of the population is of staff. Railway orphanage is an Islamic institution where the kids memories the holy Quran and acquire Islamic Knowledge.
Kabarak University MSA managed to raise funds through the support of friends and relatives for the Project. They had the following activities for the day. 

1.Eid Prayer

A team of male students of the Kabarak University MSA arrived at the orphanage earlier and helped the kids getting dressed for the prayers . Meanwhile the team of girls arrived and prepared breakfast for the family. Guests were streaming in joining the team in celebration. 

2. 1st Cake Cutting Session.

The 1st cake cutting session was led by Salma Abdallah co-organizer of the event. This was during the breakfast meal. The Kabarak University MSA worked in unison in ensuring the meal was well served. 

The team of boys from Kabarak MSA led some of the kids in playing football and pumping balloons whilst the team of girls danced to nasheeds with some of the kids. Multi-tasking was the style of the day,as the games went on preparation of Biriani was simultaneously on. There weren't any short comings Alhamdulillah . A sign of Allah's Blessings.

Biriani was later served with 'Rojo'  watermelons  juice and ice-creams . The food was plenty Alhamdulillah  it was served to attendees and non attendees. Alhamdulillah . Blessings upon blessings. 
It was time to laugh, enjoy and meeting and bonding with brothers and sisters . 
 4. 2nd Cake Cutting Session.

After the Asr prayer there was another cake cutting session hosted by Shufaa the chairlady K. M. T. C Nakuru. There was a photo session at the same time. Shufaa later commented on behalf of her team , 
"It was an amazing day  the fact that so many youngsters turned up is so beautiful, I loved the unity. Though we were knew to each other we made sure the event was fun and everybody smiled the whole day. I also liked the cake cutting part and bonding with the children mostly.  It was fulfilling and the the best way to celebrate EID. "

5.Qur'an Competition . 

To encourage and challenge the kids to memorize the Quran Sheba Al-Mirany and other youngsters from Kabarak MSA organized for a Quran Competition. The winners were later awarded by Kabarak University MSA . 

6.Motivational Talks. 

The Quran competition was later precided by motivational talks spearheaded by the Imam of the orphanage. He said, "Muslims are ambassadors of Islam, our character should be that of the prophet S. A. W. People should embrace Islam due to our beautiful character just like before..." Words of encouragement came out of each mouth that spoke. Mwinyi Balo a student of Kabarak University said in his speech,  "Being an Orphan isn't a curse, it is in fact a blessing, it is a sunnah of the prophet S. A. W, he was an Orphan yet he conquered the world, you too can succeed." 

7.The Last Cake Cutting Session.

After the Maghreb prayer the family headed to the last cake cutting session to mark the end of the event. It was sad, no one wanted to leave the arena after the session. We couldn't stand seeing the kids bidding us a good bye. We had to leave. Abdur Raheem Abdullah head organizer of the event later commented, "Masha Allah the day was super great, I have no words to describe how I felt. It would be a day that would remain in my heart forever. I hope to always  give back to the society that raised me. Not all are granted the chance to stay beside their parents, but they can be beside a brother or a sister. I urge the society to always help the less fortunate . "

Lastly Kabarak University MSA extends their sincere gratitude to all those who supported this project be it spiritually, financially or physically . Thank you, you gave us a chance to touch hearts and revive hope in the hearts of the kids we visited . 
Thank you may God Reward you endlessly. 


  1. Maashallah ,,, to more of such projects

  2. May Allah accept all our deeds , ameen

  3. I couldn't ask for more on that Day..
    A big thumbs up to everyone who made the day a success..
    PS : i've never been that happy in med school than that day! ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿฅฐ

  4. Masha Allah good work these day

  5. May Allah give us more life of worshipping and pleasing Him. Ameen


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