Muhammad s. a. w with Kids.

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Every tree that gives shade, thorns or fruits was once a seedling and every grown man or woman was once a child. We are all a product of the treatment we received in our childhood;aggressive, harsh, fearful, strong ,polite or confident . It may not be easy for us to fix ourselves but it is important for us to fix the esteem of our young ones (by how we choose to treat them).Take a moment and wear the shoes of childhood. If you are to choose, how would you prefer your elders to treat you. How would you feel if they scolded you,beat you up, demean you  what if they talked to you softly and paid attention to your silly games and talks. What would you choose ?

Let's talk about Muhammad Peace be upon him. No child was an orphan than Muhammad made him/her his child. He
s. a. w made them forget about the loneliness they felt. His laps were always spongy for kids to sit on and his palms, his palms always ushered babies to his arms.If he was alive today,our young ones would live our homes preffering his company just like Zaid bin Harith (he preferred staying with rasul s. a. w forsaking his parents).

Muhammad showing mercy to kids😍

In one narration, the prophet s. a. w was leading a prayer. He had made the prostration extra long and only after the prayer was completed did the congregation realize why. His grandson had climbed his back while he was in prostration he didn't want to disturb him, the prophet waited until he was done to rise from the prostration  (Sunan an-Nasa'i).

The prophet's (s. a. w) back was a toy vehicle for his grandchildren . Abu Huraira May Allah be pleased with him narrated, "we were praying  Isha with the messenger of Allah( s. a. w) - when he prostrated Al-Hassan and Al-Husain would jump on his back, when he raises with his head he picks them up gently from the back and places them (on the floor) so when he returns to prostration they turn to what they do, and would put them on his thighs "(Declared good by Al-Albani 3325 AL silsila - AL - Sahiha).

Muhammad's (s. a. w ) would shorten his prayer upon hearing a child crying so that the mother would finish and attend to the child.He s. a. w said,"  I rise up to pray there upon I hear the cry of a child which makes me shorten my prayer disliking to make it had on his/her mother. "(Reported by Al-Bukhari)

Muhammad s. a. w playing with the kids🤗

Do you know that game where you put a lot of water in your mouth then pour it on your friend's face, our beloved s. a. w played that. Mahmoud Ar-Rabee' got to play this game with the prophet s. a. w and thus reported  "I remember that the prophet
s. a. w blew some water from his mouth on my face when I was a five year old child from a bucket." Reported by Al-Bukhari)

A part from the moo games he played with his grand children he also played running games . Ya'la ibn Mura says,  "I went out with the prophet s. a. w for a food invitation. Al-Husain was playing on the street  where upon the prophet hurried in front of him to catch him, while Al-Husain running right and left to escape.May Allah have mercy on him. As old as he was he still chose to lower himself to the level of a child so that he could show them love and make them happy.

Mohammad s. a. w Showing Importance and Respect to kids.

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How would you feel if someone makes you feel important and valued. Seeming to care about the dearest things to you even if the world brands them as "silly" . Muhammad
s a. w never forgot to teach us about that, on one occasion the younger brother of Anas bin Malik had lost his pet bird named Nughair. Upon seeing the child in distress the prophet s. a. w consoled the young boy and asked about his pet(Bukhari).

" Oh Aba Umair, What happened to AL-Nughair(his friend bird)" asked the prophet s. a. w.

Kids can be annoying but it isn't there intention to annoy us. They barely know what they are doing.If they value a mudy tin they will bring it to  the house, if they love a book they will think drawing funny diagrams on it is a good thing.To us that is ridiculous but to them it  makes them super happy.We should thus take care of their toys as we would take care of our bank cards.

The prophet s. a. w never lost a chance to boost the courage of  kids. He congratulated them even upon wearing a nice garment. Ummu Khaled (a companion of the believing women) narrates "I came to the messenger s. a. w with my father and I had a yellow dress on me. The messenger of Allah said 'sanah,sanah' (meaning nice in Ethiopian language). She said," then I went to play with the prophet's  s. a. w ring where upon my father stopped me"the prophet s. a. w went to the extent of learning languages  so that non Arab kids could understand and feel at ease with him, Masha Allah. This also shows that he s. a. w was glad and happy when kids comfortably played on his back and ring. May Allah make it easy for us to emulate his example .

Muhammad showing love and affection to kids💞.

When Did you last kiss your child or your younger sister or brother? In another narration by Aisha R. A she said , "some Bedouin came to the prophet s. a. w and said, 'do you kiss your children ?', He
(s. a. w) said :'Yes' the Bedouin said:'But we never kiss our children,' the prophet s. a. w said," what can I do if Allah has taken away mercy from you. "(Sunan ibn Majah)

What do we do when we enter into a room where there are adults and kids?Do we assume the kids and greet the elders only? The prophet s. a. w had this habit of greeting kids. If he passed by a place and saw them playing he would stand and greet them delightfully.Wallah greeting kids is sweet, you greet them and the next thing they do is stopping their game and running to hug you or help you out with your luggage. Kids give us what we give them, if we show them mercy they show mercy in turn.

He s. a. w even forbed us from leing to kids. He said if we promise them something then we should fulfill it . The prophet s. a. w would ask permission from kids if at all he wanted to interfere with their space. May Allah bless him s. a. w.

Muhammad teaching kids

Despite being a king of the Arabian Peninsula , he s. a. w created time out of his busy schedule to educate children . Abu Salama narrates,"I was a little boy sitting on the lap and my hand all over the plate, then the messenger s. a. w said to me:" O boy, say bismillah (in the name of Allah)  eat with your right hand and eat what is in front of you. "(Agreed upon) He p. b.u.h taught us to correct kids in a soft and gentle manner.

He s. a. w taught Abdullah ibn Abas R. A when they were on their mount, the prophet s. a. w told him  "O boy, I will teach you some words, Guard Allah(follow His orders) and he will guard you..." Reported by Tirmidhi 2516 and authenticated by Al-Albani.  A hadith that has touched so many hearts Today because of the heavy message it carries.

Rasul p. b. u. h was lovable, whoever accompanied him would love him, no one was comparable to him. Don't we want to be like him? We really can, we just need to get to know him and practice What we learn from him in baby steps. May Allah make it easy for us to emulate his character. Aaamin 😊

 "Indeed in the Messenger of Allah you have an excellent example to follow for whoever hopes in Allah and the last Day and remembers Allah much."Quran( 33:22)

To learn more about the prophet s. a. w you can visit or


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