How Muhammad s. a. w related with women. ๐Ÿง•๐Ÿคฑ

Whoever takes time to study him will find themselves falling in love with his character. The heart blossoms and the eyes shed tears in amazement of this man's character.  Every man and woman will stand and rebuke the false claims they say about him. His tolerance, patience and compassion was outstanding.He stood up to fight for women's rights and implemented beneficial policies to protect them from harsh and in human cultures.

He was born in a chauvinistic society yet he chose to support women. He was mocked for doing this.In a community where women were regarded as sexual objects,  not allowed to inherit, come up with decisions nor suggestions, women in menses were placed in secluded places and the worst case is that female children were buried alive.  Having a girl child was shameful and a sign of poverty .Muhammad opposed all these weird traditions and substituted them with civilization.

He would always remind men to take good care of women.He said in his last surmon
( khutba tul hijjatul wida')
"Oh people ! It is  true that you have certain rights over your women . Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allah's trust and with His permission . If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helplers. And it is your right that they they do not take as inmate friends those whom you do not approve of as well as to be chaste... "
Kindness towards women is what Muhammad p. b.u.h insisted on.

Muhammad s. a. w teaching Women

Aisha R. A said :'A woman asked the prophet s. a. w about the bath which is taken at the end of menstrual period. The prophet s. a. w said "Purify yourself with musk" The prophet s. a. w felt shy and turned his face. Aisha said, "I pulled her to myself and told her what the prophet s. a. w meant . (Bukhari) Muhammad p. b.u.h established policies that supported girl child education. He would set time for women to ask whatever questions they had about Islam .

Aisha's knowledge is a vivid evidence of how the prophet p. b.u.h supported women's empowerment. Aisha was well versed in religious studies, poetry and medicine. Most of the Sahabas and their followers benefitted from her knowledge. She taught Sahabas about inheritance a subject that needed great mathematical skills.Muhammad s. a. w is an example all men should strive to emulate.

  Muhammad p. b.u.h defending women 

Muhammad would reprimand any man who showed a chauvinistic attitude towards their wives .
In one narration he said "Indeed women are the companions of men". It is evident that Muhammad s. a. w was a feminist .
The prophet p. b.u.h also added that the best of men is the one who is good to his wife and family.

He p. b.u.h encouraged women to stay chaste and strive to get Jannah . He encouraged them to pray, fast and take care of their family's property. Muhammad supported his wive's (Khadija) business without envy. A part from having a great smile Muhammad s. a. w cracked jokes with his female companions in a modesty way. Al-Hassan said  "An old woman came to the prophet s. a. w and said :" O messenger of God, ask God to admit me to Jannah (paradise) . "He said :" Old women will not enter paradise" She then walked away crying  The prophet s. a. w said :"Tell her that she will not enter paradise as an old woman, for Allah says:" Verily,  we have created them (maidens) of special creation  And made them virgins. Loving (their husbands only) and of equal age[56:35-7]
Peace be upon you yaa rasulallah, we have really missed you. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

The romantic Muhammad s. a. w๐Ÿ’ž

Muhammad s. a. w was such a gentle man. He brought joy whenever he entered his house. Muhammad s. a. w would never disturb his wives when they were asleep, he would brush his teeth upon entering the house, put on the uprone and prepare a meal for his family.

Aisha R. A said "I was asked how the messenger s. a. w behaves in his house," she said "he was a man like any man ;he washed his clothes, milked his sheep and smeared himself. "(Ahmed 24998)

It is also reported that the prophet s. a. w called his wives with sweet names .He used to call Aisha Humaira (the red woman) because of her complexion.

One time during his stay alone in adoration of Allah  his wife Sofia came to him and spoke with him for sometime then went to the door. Prophet p. b.u.h led her to the door to say goodbye. ๐Ÿ˜ŠIn another narration he told her, "do not hurry to leave till I come with you" her house was at Usama's and he s. a. w left with her.

The prophet p. b.u.h With his daughters ๐Ÿค—
The prophet p. b.u.h had three sons and four daughters. All his sons died in childhood.He was left with four girls ;Zainab, Ruqaya, Ummukulthum and Fatima R. A. His three daughters died before him and only Fatima lived to see his father's death. The prophet s. a. w was made a laughing stock because he did not have male children. He stood up for his daughters and raised them with lots of love. His children were also orphans since their mother Khadija had passed on.

The prophet would stop his meetings just to attend to his daughters. He never forced them to embrace Islam it was by their own will. He ensured they were wearing hijab.He chose the best husband's for them. He married two of his daughters to both a righteous and rich man( Uthman bin Afan)
He chose Ali R. A for Fatima.

He was a great father in law, he would walk into Ali and Fatma's  room to talk to them gently about their marriage. He was so close to Fatimah that she was the last person he talked to in his death bed.

Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad may Allah bless you.

The prophet's  p. b.u.h marriage. 

Veccia Vaglieri in her book 'In defense of Islam 'said :Through out the years of his youth, Muhammad p. b.u.h only married one woman  even though the sexuality of man is at its peak during this period. Although he lived in the society he lived in, where in plural marriage was considered the general rule, and divorce was very easy he only married one woman  although she was older than him. He was a faithful husband to her for twenty five years, and did not marry another woman except after her death. He at the age of fifty five years old. He married each of his wives therefore for a social or political purpose ;such that he wanted to honor pious women or wanted the loyalty of certain tribes so that Islam would spread among them. All the wives Muhammad s. a. w  married were not virgin, nor were they young and beautiful ;except for Aishah. So how can anyone claim that he was a lustful man ?..."

I pray that we all benefit from this and strive to follow our beloved prophet s. a. w.

You can read more about the prophet p  b.u.h from :From Muhammad The Messenger of Allah written by Abdul Rahman Al-Sheha.


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