Muhammad S. A. W with his friends.

The soul yearns for good company,one that is loving and wouldn't loose a chance of lifting it up . Muhammad S. A. W was such a friend. He always put his friends first. He S. A. W would intercede for his friends , seek advice from them, entertained them and also visited them when they felt sick. He is a description of a true friend .


Anas bin Malik R. A said:A Bedouin named Zahir ibn Haram would give gifts to the prophet S. A. W and he would prepare things for him as well . The prophet S. A. W said :"Zahir is our desert and we are his city. "

THE prophet S. A. W approached Zahir while he was selling his goods and hugged him from behind so that he could not see him. He said :"let me go!" when he realized it was the prophet S. A. W who was hugging him  he pressed his back towards the messenger's S. A. W chest. The messenger of God S. A. W said :"Who will buy this slave from me?" Zahir said, "O messenger of God, I am worthless " The messenger of God said, You are  not considered worthless by God, You are valuable and precious to God"
( ibn Hibban #5790)

In this age where the rate of depression is high having a friend like Muhammad is the best thing. We need friends who boost our self esteem. Friends who always remind us that we are valued by God. We need friends who will love us for who we are are and not due to our physical appearance and wealth. We need those friends. We need to be such friends, like our beloved Muhammad
 S. A. W.


They say a friend in need is a friend in deed.He S. A. W was a friend in deed . Whenever he saw his companions in hardship he would willingly intercede on their behalf. Abdullah ibn Abas reported :"The husband of Bareerah was a slave whose name was Mugheeth . I saw him walking in the streets of Madina crying with his tears falling off his beard.The messenger of God S. A. W said to AL Abbas,
" doesn't it amaze you how much Mugheeth loves Bareerah and how much she dislikes Mugheeth? "

The prophet approached Bareerah and said to her  "Why don't you go back to him?"
She said, "are you commanding me to do so?" He said "No, but I am INTERCEDING on his behalf."
She said, "I have no need for him.  "
(Bukhari #4875)

Muhammad S. A. W has taught us so much about friendship,. He has taught us to lift the spirits of our friends , he has taught us to relieve our friends of their buddens, he has taught us to put others first.


He was so humble. One would not be able to recognize him when he sat with his companions. He prohibited his friends from treating him special, he would get mad at them if they did that .
Anas bin Malik said :"Once, while we were sitting with the messenger of God S. A. W in the masjid  a man on his camel approached. After he tied it with a rope, he asked,
" Who among you is Mohammad  "The messenger of God was sitting on the ground with his companions while he was leaning.
We directed him to the prophet S. A. W saying,
" this white man leaning on the ground  "
Notice the character of this king of the Arabian peninsula,he never wanted to be treated special , he ate what his friends ate, or even worse, he sat on the ground just to create a good rapport  with his friends. No matter what we become in our lives we should never think we are better than anyone.

When he S. A. W went for camping with his friends he would take the hardest chores. He chose cooperation. AL Baraa bin Azid ;"I saw the messenger of God S. A. W on the day of the Trench carrying soil until he was covered with it." (Bukhari #2780  )

In describing Muhammad 's S. A. W character the famous Maher Zain says,
"In a time of darkness and greed,
It is your light that we need,
You came to teach us how to live,
Muhammad ya Rasulah,
You were so caring and Kind,
Your beauty equaled by non,
You are Allah's chosen one ,
Muhammad Khairu khalqi lillah"

Sallu Alaika ya rasulah llah.

My ink will keep oozing, writing about this beloved one, but I will and no one has ever been able to describe him to their satisfaction . Therefore I would sum it up with the words of Ali R. A, cousin and son in law of the prophet S. A. W .

"He was the last of the prophets  the most generous of hearts, the most truthful, the best of them in temperament and the most sociable. Whoever unexpectedly saw him will stand in awe of him and whoever accompanied him and got to know him would say" I have never seen anyone before or after him, who was comparable to him.  "

That is Muhammad S. A. W he had such beautiful manners that no one would refuse being in his company . His good character made him influencial, he would help when people least expected him to. He's ranked number one in the 100 Most influential Persons in History by Michael Hart.

May Allah make it easy for us as we strive to be good friends like Muhammad S. A. W.

We miss you yaa Rasulah llah. Oh Allah grant us the opportunity to dine with him m in Jannah . I wrote this poem for you beloved  I pray to meet you some day.


My eyes have never set on you 
Yet my heart is so much attached to you
A day does not pass without me thinking about You
Tears fall from my eyes as I rehearse
What I will say the day I meet You.

I will tell you how I strived to know You
And how much I cried after knowing You
Knowing that you Love me more than those who lived when you were alive
My character
My Character is far from how you behaved.

Dear beloved,
I will tell you about how much I failed
While trying to emulate You
But I still stood up
I stood up and strived to be like You.

I will tell you about the nights
I couldn't sleep
Because I was thinking of my meeting with you

How I will hug you
And kiss your feet
If allowed to.

I will tell you
About how my ink oozed
And wrote ramarkable books about You.

So many people Dream of seeing
Beloved, will I get a chance having a chat with you
Read my poems  loud   to you
As you serve me the sweet water
The Lord's of the world preserved for You.

I love you Muhammad S. A. W.



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