I like them, only in movies

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So what kind of characters do you like in novels or movies?

Particularly general audience movies, those you can watch with your imam or pastor around (without skipping scenes or blocking a child's eyes) . While grabbing some popcorn, legs tucked into a heavy woolen blanket. The last thing you want to do is doze off as the story gets to the peak.

There's something about characters that act arrogant. They seem not to believe any good could come their way. They don't believe someone can help just because people ought to help each other.

Hard to convince, questioning every single person and every single incident they encounter. Most of these characters are usually good deep down.

This book-Lost calling by Evelyn Vaughn, I hope you will look for it. Catrina Dauvergne,  tells herself that she won't be nice to anyone. Then suddenly an earthquake strikes, she sees a young woman a few blocks away. A crack widening beneath her hips , she was going down the earth at any moment. Her screams chocked into horrified whimpers.She looks at Catrina in the eyes, helpless. The crack widens. Catrina hates that, she can't see the girl die without helping either . She stretches her hand to the young woman.

I like these characters in movies not in real life. I think I am not that kind of a person who seems to care about almost everything as I should. Putting up with such good-hearted people but with some annoying sense may take a while.

Believe , one of the latest movies for the general audience. Mr. Ted is one of the characters, I hope I got the name right.American height and a white , partially shaved , you could see the scars on his head, he looks thirty . He is sent to a hospital to go save a girl he doesn't know. The girl is gifted with magic, some scientist wants her for experiments, to exploit her powers. By the way, Ted is a fugitive. He sees the seven-year-old girl on the hospital bed and tears fall on his shirt. He wipes the tears away and pretends he doesn't care. He is required to protect the young girl from harm for the rest of his life. He does not agree  but as usual, he can't bare seeing the girl in danger. He eventually becomes the young girl's guardian angel.

All these characters had a good past, they were good people. Getting hurt by not receiving goodness back might have made them arrogant, do you agree? The beautiful thing is that, if these people get someone who cares and believes in goodness they can become good people again.


  1. I like characters who live by their rules. Those who don't care much about what people think of what they do. I like my characters bold and intuitive. Always seeing the hook on every bait.

    1. I think I like these characters too 😅. Thanks for the comment.


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