To my son, my hero.

The writer in me won't let me be, my intuitions demand me to write a letter to you. A letter you will read once you become a man. This letter will be read by so many generations before you read it, son.

Mama dedicated her time,
Researching about your gender,
She was  past teen I remember,
She knew she would have you later.

Son, as you have your first dream,
With this beautiful woman,
This beautiful lady you don't know,
You will wake up feeling good,
You will have a lot of questions in mind,
You will find your bed wet,
Don't hide it from me because
It's okay.

And on that day I will celebrate you
Because I crowned your sister
When she got her first menses.
Son your voice will break,
It will no longer be tiny,
It will be as heavy as your father's,
And that is your pride.

Son, I will be right here,
Your questions I will hear,
I know we've written so much about girls' sex education,
We forgot about you dear,
Mama is here.

Son, seeing the above signs will make you active,
I mean sexually active,
You will find yourself attracted to beautiful Pili,
It's okay.

Son, you are my pride,
I want you to know that there's something greater,
Greater than your sexual desires,
You have a mission in this life,
A purpose you need to discover.

So no matter how you feel,
Think of your great purpose,
Fast and exercise,
I learned that from your uncle.

Discover yourself to the fullest,
My instincts tell me you will be
a writer just like your mama,
Son, I want you to make history,
Like Napoleon Hill and your mama.

Am not saying you should hate girls,
Treat them with a lot of respect,
Support them,
Let them know that men with good intentions,
Men with goals and objectives exist...

And when you finally find your soulmate,
I will scribble down your love story,
Your story will be a masterpiece son,

I love you son and you are my pride.


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