We are tested differently in life and in  the tests we are handling, there are key stages that one would go through. I don't know which stage you are in your test, but I want to share insights from my experience of facing different trials.

The first time we face trials we tend to deny what is happening. We tend to think that we should not be going through the trial. That we don't deserve to face such difficulties.

Time goes on slowly and we realize we are spending a long period in the test than we expected.We get more irritated and doubt if Allah really wants the best for us. After realizing complaining doesn't change anything, we start accepting in an unsure manner that what is happening could be good for us.

Some of us go into complete despair. Some of us choose to look deeper into the test to see the blessings that came with it.  Then we realize that no matter how hard the test is, the virtues, and the opportunities, that came with it are much more valuable than seeing the test go away.

Because of this we hesitate to ask for help from Allah , because we don't want to lose the good that came with the trial. We think that asking for help would make us ungrateful,that we might lose our way if we find a way out.But we want the trial to end.

Whoever is in this last stage I advise you to ask for ease from Allah. He promised that if we ask HE will deliver.That after hardship comes ease, so ask for help from HIM and keep on looking deeper into the preveledges that came with the test.

Whoever wants to despair, I know how hard it is to believe that this test has goodness in it,yet despair isn't the way. Take yourself slowly, allow tears to wash your eyes until you are able to see the bigger picture. Allah would never let a bad thing happen to You no matter how you see things going.


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