You experience mixed feelings when you finish every read ;you feel happy and satisfied that you have finished before the deadline, enlightened by the new concept, at the same time you are sad that you are closing that book. You might go back to it for referrals but there's just this sadness,it's like you are bidding a good bye to a genuine person ๐Ÿ˜Œ.

Reading Make Time wasn't easy because April has been a busy month ;school work, personal projects, Ramadhan goals and fighting procrastination. Alhamdulillah I managed to finish my fifth read before the monthly deadline.

Make Time came in handy.Being a busy person sometimes I lost track and never felt happy for the things I did on a daily basis. It felt like I never had time for the things I love and the things I am supposed to do. I was just busy like most people . A big thank you to my friend Jz and Jake for writing this master piece.

Make Time teaches you how to create time for what matters i. e focusing on the real wins.This is achieved by having a daily HIGHLIGHT . Asking yourself, "what do I want to do today?".It gives you ways of choosing a highlight for the day and you get the freedom to choose any tactic that works for you. Some of the tactics of choosing a highlight are;checking out the deadline and doing the task that needs to be accomplished before the clock hits deadline. Another tactic is to do what you love as in creating time for what you enjoy ;if you enjoy baking or watching the sun set then make that your highlight. The goal of choosing a highlight is achieving that feeling of satisfaction when you retire to bed. 

Focusing on your highlight is literally so hard when you have things that distract you. So the book shows you how you can get into laser mode when working on your highlight.It talks about how technology is important in our lives but also gives you a way of using technology genuinely. Here the book provides tactics of how you can achieve laser mode(will mention the few I can remember) ;Logging out of the infinite pools(social media) ,turning off notifications, keeping your television in the wardrobe,switching off Wi-Fi etc. The goal in the tactics is to make distraction hard so that you can focus on what you are supposed to do.And I am grateful, very grateful to God that I read this part(gratitude story for another day ๐Ÿ˜ƒ). 

Your highlight, and achieving laser mode are very important but having the energy to do both is 'super' important ๐Ÿ˜‚. Here the book talks about tactics give the body, brain and soul the energy they need .It talks about how important it is to eat healthy and the book is specific here (do the homework), it talks about how coffee is good when taken at the right time and how it can make you complain about sleeplessness.On the mind, Jz and Jake talk about ;meditation,creating time to walk in nature, leaving your headphones at home etc. About the energy of the soul, the book talks about ;gratitude, having energy giving people (creating time to talk to genuine people in your life), etc. 

The last part of the book is reflection. Taking time to question, appreciate how things have been working out and coming up with better plans.For those who enjoy Journaling, enjoy your hot cake๐Ÿ™„. 

Putting this book down I feel like I am responsible for every single second and microsecond in my life. I can choose to be be happy or sad based on how I spend my time. I want to read more about productivity ๐Ÿ˜”, because that's what Islam teaches too. Spending time genuinely brings satisfaction๐Ÿ˜”. Allah revealed a whole chapter about time and swears by the sunrise, the sunset, and time itself. 

I recommend this book to anyone who wants to take responsibility of their time. I ask Allah to grant me and whoever reads this book the ability to follow it up with action. I ask Allah to bless the brothers who wrote this to help humanity get intentional with TIME. 


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