The Story of Prophet Noah

Every night in the month of Ramadhan mum told us stories of the prophets peace be upon them all after the suhur meal. She narrated the stories so that she could keep us awake until the Fajr prayer. One of the nights she narrated to us the story of Nuh Peace be upon him.
ولقد اَرسلنا نوحاََ الي قومه اني لكم نذير مبين( ٢٥)اَ ن لا تعبد الا الله، اني اَخاف عليكم عذاب يوم اَليم(٢٦)
We sent Noah to his people (with a mission) "I have come to you with a clear warning)."
" That you should serve non but Allah, verily I do fear for you the penalty of a Grievous Day."
The above verses are from Surah 11:Hud.They describe the mission of Noah Peace be upon him.

Noah loved his people so much , he taught them about the greatness and the bounties of Allah S. W. He reminded them over and over for 950 years but only a few believed. For all those years according to some historical sources only eleven people accepted his message and according to other sources only eighty people accepted his call.In a nut shell only few people accepted the truth.

Noah warned his people about the punishment of Allah S.W, if they rejected the message of God, but they didn't listen. They made fun of him, according to the holy Quran when Noah preached   they would shut their ears and lowered heavy garments so that they could not hear his message.(Surah Nuh)

Noah asked his people to seek Allah's forgiveness before it was too late. He promised that if they would ask for forgiveness, Allah would multiply their wealth, give them children and beneficial rain and above all Allah would give them paradise in the after life(Benefits of Istighfar) . Noah's people flouted his message. Noah got sick of that and asked Allah to send His punishment to them.(Surah Nuh)

Allah S. W commanded Noah to build an  ark and he guided him through out. Allah S. W promised Nuh that no one would believe after that except those who had believed before. When Noah Peace be upon him was building the ark, the chiefs of the land laughed at him. Nuh told them that one day it would be bad on their side.
(Surah Hud)

According to some narrations it took the prophet 100 years to build the ark. Upon completion of the ark Allah commanded Noah to take his team of those who believed and a pair of male and female from the animals. Allah S. W then ordered the skies to pour down heavy rain and He ordered the earth to gush out it's water until the water of the heavens and that of the earth reached the same level. Whilst Noah was in the ark he saw his son . Noah called him to get into the ark but he refused and said he would take refuge in the mountains. (Surah Hud)

Prophet Noah went on, the floods were so outrageous that the son of Noah was drawned nothing was left. Allah guided the ark of Noah( Peace be upon him) until it rested at Mt. Jud and Allah commanded the heavens to hold its water and earth to swallow back the water.( Surah Hud)
Allah S. W promised Nuh to be the father of mankind after Adam. He promised Noah that all those that were with him were believers but as his descendants came along some will disbelieve again and Allah will punish them in turn. He reminded Noah Peace be upon him that the bond of shahada is greater than the bond of blood. This was a reminder to him about his son who refused to obey the message of Allah. Noah praised Allah S. W and lived a normal life worshipping Allah S. W until he passed away.

Here are some tips from the story of Nuh( Peace be upon him).
1:Allah promises goodies for those who obey Him.
2:There's a punishment in disobeying Allah.
3:The power of Istighfar(Seeking forgiveness from Allah).
4:The bond of Shahada Is greater than the bond of blood.
5:Patience in all matters.

I hope that you have benefitted from this story. Take your time and get the whole story in Surah Hud (Verse 25-Verse 49)and Surah Nuh the whole of it.
See you next time. May Allah grant us guidance and help us in all our endeavors.

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  1. ماشاء الله، جزاك الله خير,, wonderful story with beautiful lesson.

  2. Can someone translate this 😅😅😅. Thank you 😊


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