The Pressure in Twenties.

I don't know what to write about today but let's give it a try am pretty sure when I hold the pen, the brain will give me something. I have spent almost five months away from the busy morning rushes not forgetting the study pressure. I tried soaking myself into teaching, traveling, reading but today let's talk about what I found about my peers and I.Dear peers (of my gender) I found out that we think so much alike.

My little research revealed to me that, a girl in her early twenties thinks no different from a girl in her late twenties. We scrutinize and think deeply about everything happening to us. Usually in a serious search for true and healthy relationships. We are curious to know more about us.

Curiosity is what has driven me into reading books. I am craving to know why I behave the way I do, how I should behave, and how I can maintain relationships. Sometimes books don't answer all my questions and I switch to religious lectures and shows, educational movies, or pour all my questions on my mum. Being twenty officially means you are an adult. So you want to keep away kiddish clothes even if it means you staying with one gawn๐Ÿ˜. If you have a small body size, you tend to wear your mum's dresses so that you can look a bit old.OMG! This struggle is real I tell you.

At times you ask your mum why you don't attend weddings like the elderly women, "you are not married, we nmwanamwali" says, mum.

Girls in twenties need attention more than adolescents do. The mind mostly thinks about sexual and marital issues. This is the time parents or guardians need to display absolutely everything on the table. We (girls in twenties) begin to think like adults and prepare to keep our feet into that life.
Questions like; Will I ever get married? Will I find the right man? What is an ideal marriage? How will I shave my lower part when I have a big belly? (pregnant) How will that big baby make its way out to the world? How will I raise the baby? How will I maintain my business and my family?

This is the time we need people who can encourage us to stay pure and wait for the right man or bump into'friends'  who will advise us to start "dating".It is also the time we choose to watch Bi. Mswafari and Shk.Juma Amir or go to YouTube and watch videos on"How to drive men crazy for you".The latter prepares you for marriage and second prepares you to join the life of sluts.

You know, no matter how we try to get busy, these thoughts about an ideal husband always pop up. We begin listing the ones we have interacted with, grabbing a lens to see their attitude towards women, children, their general character, and Woops without knowing we cross them all. We take a deep breath and say " Thank God, Mr. Right is yet to show up".But then we hear it from a scholar that a good wife will perfect the faith and character of her husband ."They say, "If you want a man like Muhammad p.b.u.h strives to be like Khadijah R.A".

We throw ourselves into our dream businesses. We think of how we will be getting up early, getting the family ready for the morning prayers, preparing the kids, and Mr. Right for school and work. We think of how simple we will look at work because our beauty is only meant for Mr. Right. How will be picking up the kids at school, how frequently will be calling the school to see if they are okay?

Divorce finds its way into our thoughts but we push it aside because we don't look up to failure but success in everything. We rarely think about old age.

Since we are a bit far from finishing school, we ask ourselves, "Are you ready for it?"The answer becomes NO,
we lock in patience, strive to work smart hoping that Mr. Right does the same. Waiting for the right time.

Dear reader did you or do you think like this or I just generalized? Please tell me in the comments section.๐Ÿ˜‰


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