Do we care?😅

The sky is almost falling on us,it has seen and had enough of us.The earth wants to drift and swallow us up.Its tired,it's tired of holding ruthless,mannerless creatures.The sun rays will keep burning us,it's the only way it  (sun)can throw up it's anger on us.The rain is almost gone.Its sick of falling on merciless and shameless creatures.The World is no longer a safe place.

It hurts,it's painful seeing the world upside down.Turmoil and chaos has struck the family of Adam and Eve.Their children have become transgressors, womanizers,sluts and murderers

It no longer hurts us when we see others falling on their nose.We burred the universal brotherhood in books.A man kills people of a different sect and we cheer at that . Proudly sharing comments.
"They deserve it!"
We don't attack the enemy, we are so good at singing and dancing the blame game.We behave like spiders;feeding on each other.

God made us vicegerents but it seems we dropped that responsibility.

Several posts have gone viral on social media.Some did put a smile on our faces but majority made us put a hand on our wide opened mouths in disbelief.We care so much about posting than the content in the posts.We care about likes and thus tend to post what makes us go rocking   but what about our dignity and honor?The naked truth is that our posts have a great impact.They can put zeal in someone who was almost giving up to stand again.They can also instill a dis speakable habit in someone.Imagine if someone embraces pornography , fornication,drugs,suicide or any form of immorality ,just because of your post.
"Ni shida yake,sijaforce mtu a view posts zangu"
That's what we say.

The other day in town X someone came spreading news about a girl who had taken nude pictures of herself and shared them with her boyfriend (who had asked for them).The next thing that happened is that the pictures were shared on social media and oops they went viral.Currently the pictures are all over like stones.What about the girl's reputation? What if she commits suicide because she feels ashamed ,helpless, angry and depressed,Where will her parents put their faces? What about the family's dignity?We keep sharing the photos and saying;
 "At long last ampatikana,alivyokuwa na maringo!"
We gather at the work place,in the gardens and in the market rolling the story and clapping at someone's fallen reputation .Why don't we do the opposite; Knock at the girl's house and give our condolences or even arrest the guy who did this,or  choose not to share these dirty photos.

What if the nudes we shared happened to draw a young boy  into pornography or a girl into lesbianism.What if these pics interrupt someone who was struggling to squirm out of the dark ocean of sexual immorality.😅Do we realize how fast  we can ruin people's lives in wild proliferation?

Dear brothers,if she betrays you, sharing  her nude pictures isn't going to make you rock, it just shows how much of a monster you can be.Doing that will make you untrusted by your female relatives and  your mum won't stand you.And  you know life will reward you the way you reward others.Thus get hold of your feelings, respect all women those who dress provocatively and those who cover up.If you see her under dressed don't take a photo take a cloth and cover her gently.

To my sisters and I let's strive to do whatever God has ordained us to do.He loves us ,He wants to protect us from beasts that is why He commanded us to  dress with modesty and abstain from fornication and adultery.God is so kind that He revealed several chapters and verses to defend women's dignity and honor.Why not keep the honor,we are queens let's not lower ourselves to sluts.Before we share our pics let's ponder through what they may trigger in whoever sees them.Truly speaking some of these posts lower our dignity drastically and arouse sexual lusts to our counter parts.

What am saying is let's take keen responsibility on what we post.Let our posts bring hope, determination and a smile in others.


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